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Community Links

Our Regulatory Authority:

NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate, Department of Education and Communities



Phone: 1800 619 113

The Department, through the Early Childhood Education Directorate, administers several programs and funding streams designed to meet the goals of the National Partnership Agreements on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education and the National Quality Agenda.

The Directorate regulates the operation of approximately 5,500 services for children from birth to school age across the state. If you have any major complaints about our service, these can be made to the ECECD at any time.


Thornleigh West Public School

A link to the School website.


Hornsby Council Community, Children and Families

Hornsby Shire Council offers a range of fun activities for children and families throughout the year, while also providing information and support.



ACECQA is the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Association. ACECQA provide national leadership in promoting quality and continuous improvement in early childhood education and care and school age care in Australia. Find out more about children’s care and education in Australia, as well as the new National Quality Framework that Normanhurst OSHC operates under.


NSW Department of Education

The NSW Department of Education website can assist parents in understanding more about the services provided for children and young people from early childhood to youth advocacy and support. It includes direct information in regards to childcare services.


Network of community activities

Network is dedicated to the advocacy, promotion, resourcing and development of play, recreation and leisure activities for 5-14 year olds. 


Macquarie University - Programs for children and teens

The Centre for Emotional Health Clinic offers both face-to-face and online options for accessing our services, with specialist programs for anxiety in different age groups. Cool Kids (7-12 years), Cool Kids ASD (7-17 years), Cool Little Kids (Parents of 3-6 year olds), Chilled out Online (13-17years)


Reach Out

ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Our practical support, tools and tips help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times – and the information we offer parents makes it easier for them to help their teenagers, too

Raising Children

Raising Children is a parenting website that offers up to date, research based material on more than 800 topics spanning child development, behaviour, health, nutrition and fitness, play and learning, connecting and communicating, school and education, entertainment and technology, sleep and safety.


Relationships Australia

1300 364 277

Relationships Australia is

an independent, not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to enhancing relationships within families and their communities in order to foster personal and social wellbeing. They are committed to building support for families who are in greatest need, facing complex issues and have limited access to resources and services. Their work directly enables people to make positive choices with regard to their relationships and life situations, to strengthen relationships within their families and communities, and to manage conflict and change. They work with individual family members, couples and family groups. These services draw on expertise in counselling, mediation and dispute resolution, relationship education, and information and referral.


PPP Parenting Program

When it comes to raising kids and teenagers, everyone has an opinion. So how do you know what’s best and what works?

The TripleP – Positive Parenting Program ® takes the guesswork out of parenting.

TripleP gives parents simple tips to help manage the big and small problems of family life. Problems like toddler tantrums or teenage rebellion. Self-esteem issues. Bedtime battles. Disobedience. Aggression. TripleP can help you deal with them all – and more!


Department of Education

Keep up to date with what’s happening in Australian schools.


Department of Human Services

This link provides information about the Child Care Rebate (CCR), Child Care Benefits (CCB) and Jet funding. Follow the link to apply or find out more. 


Beyond Blue - Youth

Support for children experiencing stress, anxiety and depression



Help young people understand and manage difficult issues in their lives. KYDS provide easily accessed, personalised councelling and menatal health support services, family councelling, and early intervention well being workshops and information events. They have a Hornsby office


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